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Bob Dempster

Seattle World Cruiser Association

1007 N Washington Ave

Centralia, WA 98531-4831


9401-9947 Airport Way S
Seattle, WA, 98108
United States

April 22nd

April 22nd

Daily Flight Information:

The World Flight airplanes "Chicago", "Boston", & "New Orleans" will remain in Dutch Harbor until "Seattle" is repaired at Kanatak, Alaska and joins the others at Dutch Harbor later this month. 

Engine Changes Complete on 
"Seattle" and "Boston"

Engineering Report

by Lt. E.H. Nelson "New Orleans" Pilot 

It was decided to pull planes up on the beach on runways, so that they could be protected from the strong winds and rough sea, also the "woolies". This gave the personnel a good opportunity to go over their planes thoroughly and inspect them in a way that was not possible while they were on the water. Runways were constructed of 3x12 planks, with a small strip of wood about 1x1.5 nailed on each side of the plank to prevent the keel on the pontoons from slipping off. The beach was leveled and several 3x12 planks laid down as foundations with the runways nailed to same. After that they were ballasted with bags of sand to keep them from being washed away.

At Kanatak, Alaska - Part 4

by Maj. F.L. Martin Commanding

Our new engine was bought ashore in a whale boat from the cutter Algonquin and placed aboard the launch. At 7:30, last night, it was calm. At this time I was suffering from a severe cold and confined to my bed. With the assistance of one of the enlisted men from the Algonquin and with the longshoremen to handle the lines, Sergeant Harvey working until 6:00 a.m. this morning, and with gasoline lanterns for light, installed the new engine. While it was comparatively calm during the night, it snowed the entire night and was very cold. This is a remarkable feat and reflects the greatest credit to Sergeant Harvey.