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Our postal address is:

Bob Dempster

Seattle World Cruiser Association

1007 N Washington Ave

Centralia, WA 98531-4831


9401-9947 Airport Way S
Seattle, WA, 98108
United States

April 26th

April 26th

Daily Flight Information:

The three World Flight airplanes are waiting in Dutch Harbor, Unalaska Island, Alaska for the arrival of the 4th plane, "Seattle", currently in Chignik, Alaska waiting for good weather to make the flight to catch up after an engine repair in Kanatak, Alaska last week.

"Seattle" at Chignik
Others wait at Dutch Harbor

Daily Report

by Lt. L.P. Arnold "Chicago" Mechanic

Work on the planes being practically completed all hands took things easy today for the first time since before leaving Los Angeles. To prevent a high tide upsetting things as last nights did, the planes were hauled further up onto the beach & tied down some more -- our has 26 bags of stone weighting it down, each bag weighing about 100 pounds.

This evening a Mr. Goss, an Island Trader, invited us up for the evening. The teachers from the Mission School were there & some of the town folks, all told there were six women & 21 men, the women ranging from 15 to 60 years.

Tomorrow is Russian Easter & at midnight the Greek Catholic Church had services that last for about 4 hours -- so we all went. The Aleuts stand for the services but for us benches were provided. Of course none of us understood what it was all about. The church was all lit up with candles, there was lots of choir work, robes, incense, etc., and for awhile was quite interesting. About 1:30 the entire congregation formed a line & kissed a cross and two pictures. The church was of course cold & one's breath went out in frosty steam -- so having had enough by this time, and the plate having been passed, we all went home.