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Our postal address is:

Bob Dempster

Seattle World Cruiser Association

1007 N Washington Ave

Centralia, WA 98531-4831


9401-9947 Airport Way S
Seattle, WA, 98108
United States

April 7th

The Seattle’s outer wing strut damage. (Museum of Flying)

"Seattle" can be Repaired. World Flight to Continue Within a Week.

Engineering Report on Damage to "Seattle"

by Lt. E. Nelson "New Orleans" Pilot & Engineering Officer

Due to accident in landing, the two outer struts and four vertical brace wires were broken on Plane No. 1. The plane was towed to a shipbuilding yard, lifted out of the water by a large crane and thoroughly inspected. Although the wings appeared to be distorted, no defects of any kind be noted except the broken struts and wires. New wires will be installed from spares and two struts will be fabricated in the shops of the Shipbuilding Company. After completion of repairs in a day or two, the wings will be realigned and put back into the water.

Repair of "Seattle" started at Prince Rupert

By Maj. F.L. Martin, Commanding

The newspaper reporters and who had assembled in Prince Rupert to be present when the flight arrived were in their respective hotels when they heard the hum of the Liberty engines. We met the advance agent, Mr. Jarvis McLeod, who informed us as to the arrangements which had been made for our accommodations by the advance officer of the 1st Division, Lt. Clayton L. Bissell. These arrangements proved to very adequate and all our requirements were met. The depression of Sergeant harvey and myself over the fate of "Seattle" had seemed to spread to the other members of the flight. Everyone was quiet and retired early. Arrangements were made for this evening for lifting "Seattle" out of the water upon the Canadian Pacific Dry Dock, where facilities were available for this purpose and where a careful inspection could be made to determine the repairs needed. Notwithstanding the fact that it was low tide, the water being 24 feet below mean low level, this was accomplished this morning, April 7th, using a 50 ton crane to lift a 3 ton plane. After careful inspection which could not be completed until this afternoon, it was found that by replacing the broken struts and brace wires, the plane would, in all probability, be in commission again. Arrangements were made to have these struts made of solid wood from seasoned cypress, available in the shops of the Canadian Pacific Dry Dock. The brace wires were replaced by a set which Lieutenant Nelson had in the "New Orleans".

Daily Report

by Lt. LP Arnold "Chicago" Mechanic

All hands out at 7:00 a.m. No. 1 taken to dry dock & decided that same can be repaired & ready to proceed by the 9th, everyone glad for we don't want to lose the Major. Other planes checked, serviced & gone over -- everything appearing to be in excellent condition. [Except Ogden lost nose cowling in Bay. Result, a rushed copper sheet hammered by hand to replace the aluminum cowling - comment by Lt. Wade]

Weather cold and squally -- Seal Cove is surrounded by snow capped mountains & the wind coming over them is extremely chilly, snow & rain squalls throughout day ( mostly snow), sun coming out occasionally. Everyone having trouble about things slipping from plane & disappearing beneath the waters.

