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Our postal address is:

Bob Dempster

Seattle World Cruiser Association

1007 N Washington Ave

Centralia, WA 98531-4831


9401-9947 Airport Way S
Seattle, WA, 98108
United States

July 24th

July 24th

Daily Flight Information:

The World Flight will be in Brough until July 28th while the planes are refitted with pontoons in preparation for the flight across the Atlantic Ocean.

The World Flight must also wait while the US Navy vessels get into position along the flight route across the Atlantic.

Flier's Attend Party in Leeds

Daily Report

by Lt. L. P. Arnold, "Chicago", Mechanic

As usual the day was spent in the hangars on the machines. We quit early at 4:30 -- to get dressed and go to a party at Bob Blackburn's in Leeds, 40 miles away. General Branila, Air Vice Marshal, arrived just before we left and went with us.

Blackburn's home is a wonderful place -- a large roaming typical English home, large grounds & gardens, stables, kennels & everything to go with just such a home. There were a number of guests there for dinner, afterwards there was dancing, and a general good time. Harding [Mechanic of "New Orleans"] & I through a mix-up in rooms turned in on a narrow cot but got along fine.