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Our postal address is:

Bob Dempster

Seattle World Cruiser Association

1007 N Washington Ave

Centralia, WA 98531-4831


9401-9947 Airport Way S
Seattle, WA, 98108
United States

July 29th

July 29th

Daily Flight Information:

The World Flight will be in Brough until July 28th while the planes are refitted with pontoons in preparation for the flight across the Atlantic Ocean.

The World Flight must also wait while the US Navy vessels get into position along the flight route across the Atlantic.

World Flight Ready to Continue

Daily Report

by Lt. L. P. Arnold, "Chicago", Mechanic

The day was spent attending to various odds & ends around the planes, fixing maps, trying on clothes & boots newly arrived from London, and also our new flying clothes.

The Blackburns motored over from Leeds, had dinner with us & spent the night -- eventually everyone got "tucked in" for the mornings early rise.