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Bob Dempster

Seattle World Cruiser Association

1007 N Washington Ave

Centralia, WA 98531-4831


9401-9947 Airport Way S
Seattle, WA, 98108
United States

June 28th

June 28th

Daily Flight Information:
The World Flight will be in Calcutta for a few days making preparations for the overland portion of the World Flight.

Pontoons to Wheels

Daily Report

by Lt. L. P. Arnold, "Chicago", Mechanic

In the morning went up the river after the planes & flew them back to Calcutta and landed in the river among all the boats. Here a motor boat from one of the destroyers towed us to the dock where a great crane picked us up & swung us ashore. The crane held us suspended while the floats were removed and the landing gear attached -- and then the plane was rolled out onto the green.

About 4 o'clock we left, rushed back to town to dress, and arrived at the American Counsels reception an hour late. There we met all of Americans in Calcutta -- and among them was a couple who had their first meeting at my home in New Haven when I was an infant.

In the evening the American Legion had a big banquet -- we left early but from all accounts the banquet later got "good."

The trip up the river we made by auto and greatly enjoyed the scenes enroute -- the native quarters, the sacred cows that wander around the streets & houses at will, the goats & children that are everywhere, and the monkeys that are as common as birds at home.

Daily Report

by Lt. L. H. Smith, Commanding

After changing to wheels, the planes were moved to Maidon, a park near the center of Calcutta. It is an excellent landing field, suitable for all types of planes, although it is not an established landing area. Work on the planes was rushed to the very limit in order that they could get away before the monsoon season started. Realizing that a change of motors would require approximately two extra days' delay, it was decided to send them by rail to Karachi, located east of the monsoon belt.

Engineering Report

by Lt. E. H. Nelson, "New Orleans" Pilot

The planes were lifted out of the river, pontoons removed, landing gears and tailskids installed and planes taxied to middle of Maidon Field. All cowling was removed and a thorough inspection made of all fittings, control wires, tools, etc. All grease and No-oxide thoroughly cleaned off planes to prevent dust collecting on same while flying over land. All gasoline strainers, tanks and screens thoroughly cleaned. New generator installed on Plane No. 3, also, all batteries inspected. The canvas fuselage covering was repainted with aluminum gilt, and lower wing stubs repainted with O.D.